Partnership with Our A.G.C.M

We invite you to be partner with us for the world revival and total development of the people.


“We are excited to tell you Covenant partnership with us!

Here at AGCM Organization we believe that we are not in this Ministry alone. We are in an entrusted relationship with our Partners. We are committed to our Covenant Partners. When someone decides to Partner with this Ministry, they support AGCM by praying for orphans and all people in this Ministry daily. Also, after seeking the Lord on what He would have you give; one would sow seeds financially into AGCM monthly. We become co-laborers with each other in reaching the lost for Jesus Christ, and ministering to the Bride of Christ.


As a Partner with a Ministry, when the gospel is preached, salvations come, people are freed in their lives . . . you are a part of it all. And it's all accredited to your account also. No matter if you are on the front lines of the battle or staying behind to guard the supplies. We are a team, all fighting for the same cause!

Aids Global Children Ministries is a non-profit organization that commits to keeping this Ministry pure, morally, spiritually, and financially. We also tithe 10 percent and give an offering off of all monies that come into AGCM. These tithes and offerings go into and support other Ministries as the Lord directs. "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:38 "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest will never cease."Genesis 8:22.


If God is leading you to become a part of the Aids Global Children Ministry we invite you to do so. We become Co-Laborers with each other, ministering to the Bride of Christ, The Church, reaching the lost for Jesus Christ, helping others grow in faith and reaching out with God's Hands to those in need of food, clothing and assistance.


Finally, if the Lord is speaking to you to become a Covenant Partner with AGCM, we want you to know that we are committed to you and we love you. Together, we shall reach the nations, we'll take back what the devil stole from us, see many come into the kingdom of God, and together, we'll get the Bride of Christ ready for Her wedding day with our Lord, Savior and Bridegroom, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!


Also, we honor our Covenant Partners and ones who would give a onetime gift to AGCM. All information shared with AGCM. We thank you so much for praying for us and asking The Father what special part you play in this Assignment.


We are excited about our future and what God has in store for us and you! We Believe You Receive AGCM Family! We and So Many Others Thank You Very Much for Your Gifts for the Kingdom of God!


Please contact us by the information below. We are excited to hear from you! Email:

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